A3 Problem Solving and Mistake Proofing Training (Online)


Our self-paced online A3 Problem Solving and Mistake Proofing training program covers all of the topics our classroom version covers. In this A3 Problem Solving class, you will learn to become an A3 Thinker. You will learn how to properly define problems, how to analyze problems using gap analysis / root cause analysis tools, how to appropriately select and implement countermeasures, and how to sustain the gains. You will also learn how to utilize poka yoke or mistake proofing as needed. The format includes audio-visual presentation, case studies, and a final quiz. And, like our classroom version, students will have the ability to contact the instructor with questions, requests for feedback on ideas and case exercises.  The program is self-paced and up to 3 months are allotted to complete it; students will have access to the program for 1 year. Upon completion, students will receive an electronic certificate of completion.


Instructor: Darren Dolcemascolo

Price: $149 (Discounted pricing is available for groups. Contact us).

System Requirements: Internet (broadband), Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader.   We have converted all of our audio visual content to mp4 video; therefore, the training can run on nearly any device that can handle mp4 video (phone, tablet, PC, Mac).

A3 Problem Solving and Mistake Proofing Topics Covered
  • Lean Overview
  • 7 Wastes
  • Team Facilitation
  • Brainstorming Techniques
  • What is A3 Thinking?
  • Defining Problems
  • Problem Solving Tools
  • Process Flow Diagrams
  • The Five Why's
  • Fishbone Diagram / Cause and Effect Analysis
  • Pareto Charts
  • Mistake Proofing Techniques
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Developing and Implementing Solutions Using PDCA (Plan Do Check Act)

  • NOTE: If you would prefer to pay by purchase order/check (U.S. customers only) or if you have a group and would like a quote, please contact us or call us at 760-692-2404 (or toll free 866-559-5598) x31.

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